Tuesday, June 26, 2007

An escape (part 1)

This past week was an escape and a fun one at that-- we set off for the great an beautiful state of sunny Florida-- at about 1:00 a.m. on Saturday morning- we touched down in Destin via Chevy Venture on Saturday morning about 10:30- the ride itself was an experience- it was my three sons: Ren, Blake and Drake and a good friend of theirs: Preston Wade. The boys had convinced me that this drive would be a piece of cake- I mean they were going to sing and talk to me and keep me awake the entire trip-- I must say that about the time we reached the Corinth, MS exit (45 minutes away from home) it was just Ren and I....it remained that way the entire trip-- my oldest son says he never wants to see me drunk-- because sleep deprivation is bad enough! We had a great time (you know those moments when your child is your literal captive) and they have to listen to you-- it was terrific- we did not stop for gas and only once for food the entire way-- it was fun and simple and an escape!
When we checked into our amazing beach front condo-- I realized that it had been way to long since we had done this-- the WELL rested boys were estatic and they we all headed for the beach-- somewhat empty and totally beautiful! Wow! I had fun! I read two great books and I prayed more than I have in at least a week or two-- I played with my children (such a great blessing) and we stayed up late late late and woke up early to get a nap on the beach! We ate mostly in the condo and it was great-- we kinda took turns cooking- Our wonderful friends Jason and Sara came to stay with us on Monday--they are moving away from Henderson so it was one of our last times to just see each other everyday!! They of course are two of the craziest folks I know and I love them dearly-- everyone had just simple fun! An escape!!! I won't bore you with details of each day but lets just say that I kept remembering the phrase-- this is really living! So this escape of course made me grateful-- made me long desperately for heaven-- and made me want to be better and strive harder to take others with me. I hope you find time in your busyness of life to have an escape....to get away and make memories with your family and friends-- to live each day to the fullest and to just... escape!


AlabamaKiwi said...

Another home run! Keep it up!

Arika said...


Your blogs are so encouraging! I have REALLY enjoyed reading them. You have such a positive outlook on everything and I want to be more like that. I love where you talk about making memories. Spending time with our families and actually building relationships with them will do so much for who they will become. Oops! didn't mean for this to turn in to my own blog. Simply put...thank you! Thank you for including me and letting us in on your positive thoughts! Love you!